Support Worker

Job Classification
Care and Support
Job Type
Salary / Pay Type
Hourly Rate
Salary / Pay Range
$50 to $60
Start timeframe
Gosnells WA 6110
Posted By

Hello, nice to meet you! We are an online platform and community for people with disability and their families, anywhere in Australia, to find, book and manage local support workers who fit their needs and share their interests.

Unlike with traditional disability service providers where you are given shifts and have little say over who you support, at Hireup you will be in charge of proactively finding suitable shifts, ensuring you and the Hireup clients you connect with are always in control.

Specialised Support -  Duties and Responsibilities:
The support you will provide to someone with complex support needs varies for each person. Support needs and goals are directed by the person or their informal supports. Implement safe and effective infection control, identify risk and work within the parameters of your role.

They may include and not limited to:
• Transport to appointments
• Shopping
• Personal care
• Reading and implementing complex support plans
• Support with social and community connections
• Requirements for complex support such as managing crises and assisting clients to access their professional networks.

Skills Required:

  • Experience in Specialised Support
  • Ability and confidence to follow specialised support plans that meet the support requirements of clients.
  • Solid understanding of high intensity supports, e.g. Peg Feeding, Catheter care.
  • Implement safe and effective infection control and prevention
  • Exceptional communication skills with the ability to report and identify any support concerns or additional risks.
  • Confidence and comfortable working with limited supervision.
  • Understanding of the disability sector, NDIS and Hireup’s commitment to meeting requirements as a registered provider.
  • Demonstrate adaptability, flexibility and passion.

Documents you will need when applying with us:

  • 100 points of identification
  • Valid NDIS Worker Screening Check
  • NDIS Worker Orientation Module Certificate of Completion
  • National police check (issued within last 24 months)
  • First Aid certificate
  • Unrestricted Australian driver’s licence, if providing transport
  • State specific checks, depending on where you are based. Learn more about what’s required when you apply via our website.
  • If successful, we will employ you as a support worker, which will grant you access to use our platform to connect with clients and other disability providers. As an employee, you will not require an ABN, as you will be paid directly by us.

Rates: Your hourly rate will vary depending on the dates and times you provide support. The range of rates displayed in this ad are for shifts over 2 hours and includes casual loading and superannuation. Tax is deducted automatically from pay.

  • Hourly Rate: Weekdays from $47.25 incl. $4.68 super, Weekends from  $73.07 incl. $7.24 super, Public holidays $105.77 incl. $10.48 super

We truly care for and invest in our support workers. Through employment, training, great pay, and ongoing support, Hireup is committed to delivering the best support possible for people with disability.

• Flexibility and work-life balance: Work the hours you choose, accepting support shifts that fit within your schedule.
• Fair Pay: Hireup follows the disability services industrial award, which means pay rates are guaranteed and determined annually. Our pay covers penalty rates for higher wages when working nights, weekends, or public holidays, as well as overtime. We also pay superannuation and long service leave (where applicable) to support the long-term financial security of our workers. A current chart of the pay rates will be discussed.
• All care: Taking care of our employees ensures that they can do their best work. We provide paid training for support workers to access learning opportunities and develop their skills. Plus there are extra opportunities like support worker conferences and Hireup events.
• Full responsibility: Our support workers have access to a suite of insurances covering all shifts worked on Hireup, including workers'
compensation. We have a dedicated employee support team to help our employees get the most out of their job, and 24/7 incident response if anything unexpected happens on shift. We take responsibility for working conditions and employee wellbeing.
• Ongoing training and development opportunities: Paid training for a quality disability support workforce. Hireup pays workers for essential and specialised training.


Job Classification
Care and Support
Job Location (Area or Region)
Job Type
Business Type
Disability Support Provider
Job Title
Support Worker
Salary / Pay Details
Hourly Rate: Weekdays from $47.25 incl. $4.68 super, Weekends from $73.07 incl. $7.24 super, Public holidays $105.77 incl. $10.48 super
Posted By
Job Reference
Gosnells WA 6110
Location Map View Map

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