Safely injecting insulin in a care environment

Support and care workers are provided with the knowledge, skills and confidence to monitor glucose and safely inject insulin under delegated authority.
A comprehensive training solution
We’ve taken a blended learning approach. Online modules to allow participants the flexibility to learn foundational knowledge at their own pace. Key topics include:
• Working within policies, procedures, and delegation guidelines
• Following a diabetes management plan
• Using blood glucose meters and continuous glucose monitors
• Injecting insulin using pen devices
• Managing adverse reactions
While the 3-hour face-to-face session led by a heath professional gives participants hands-on experience with glucose monitoring equipment, insulin pen devices and the opportunity to complete competency-based tasks.
The course is currently only availabe for organisation group bookings in the Greater Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong areas.
In addition to staff training, organisations will need policies and procedures, client or guardian consent, a Diabetes Management Plan, and RN delegation in place. Diabetes Qualified provides guidance, including policy templates, to support compliance, however we don't provide legal advice.