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Available Checks

Available Checks

- National Police Check
- Document Verification Service
- Employment History
- Behavioural Reference
- Psychometric Assessments
- Entitlement to Work in Australia
- Working with Children Check Verification
- AHPRA Check
- Academic Qualification Check
- Professional Membership Check
- Medical Assessments
How it works

How it works

Send a request with details of the check. We will give access to the check portal.

You can order all checks and manage to upload consent, identity documents and required personal details, including a selfie.

Our intuitive online platform provides a secure and trusted way to confirm they are acting legally and your background information is authentic.

You can manage all your checks and results in one place.
10% Off on all checks

10% Off on all checks

As a HealthcareLink member, you will get 10% off for all you checks

Claim the offer below to get started.