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Premium Partner


Business / Practice Details
Business / Provider Type
Associations, Event Managers, Service Provider, Support
Services Offered
Community Care
Business / Provider Profile

We exist to help create a world class Aged Care system through renewal, repositioning and reinventing service models and strategies.

Why us

Enkindle means to ‘set on fire’ or ‘inspire’. We are passionate about supporting aged care organisations to transform and thrive. We thrive on creating opportunities for people to identify and unpack new opportunities, create solutions to their challenges and developing winning strategies. Our superpower is turning strategy into clear plans for execution. Plans that provide the steps to help organisations to communicate and mobilise change, service, and organisation transformation We work with Government, Aged Care providers, Peak Bodies, Boards, Executive and Senior Management of organisations to reimagine, redesign and transform services, systems and organisations to deliver on world class aged care. We have contemporary experience in the industry and skills from the best business schools, as well as a good track record of implementing and managing programs that are innovative and effective. We are approachable and are passionate about seeing the Aged Care industry be world-class. We are two energetic people with over 25+ years of experience and we have the ability to support the industry and assist them in navigating the challenges and opportunities as the industry transforms. We thrive on seeing organisations identify their purpose, find their points of difference and set in place tangible and tactical plans to achieve their strategic goals, ultimately delivering better outcomes for older Australians.

Business Address
Gold Coast, Australia,
Gold Coast Mc QLD 4217, Australia
Social Media