Hope Ability
Employer Business Type
Profile Summary
We are a group of social workers who have the passion for people. We believe that every individual is a treasure, resource and abilities. We thought that the passion is not enough to provide the support and service and the people deserve more. We have qualifications in social work from the most famous universities in Egypt, Sweden and Australia. We gain our experience from working with people from different backgrounds in different centuries. - Egypt, South Africa, Sweden / AU, and Australia.
Area Classification
Area Insights
Always Open
Work Culture
Why work with us
We are at your service to provide the support you need and require to: Glance your abilities. Provide you with all information you need to understand your disability. Provide you with the information you need to get hold of to understand the NDIS system including your rights and obligations as well as supporting you to get the most benefits of your plan
Team Size
Employed Care and Support Professionals
Employed Allied Health Professionals
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