Medication Management
As a health care worker providing care or services to older people living in residential or home care you are required to practice in accordance with the requirements of the Aged Care Quality Standards.
This learning resource will also have relevance in all of other health care settings providing care or services to older people.
Aged Care Learning Solutions educational material is endorsed by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation.
Learning Outcomes
- Outline what is required for medication management safety and quality
- Know about common adverse medication reactions and the risk for harm or death
- Discuss the issues and risk for harm and death from medication errors
- List a number of High Risk Medications (HMR’s) and what is required to protect peoples safety
- Understand your legal and where relevant professional responsibilities for medication management
- Know about peoples rights regarding medication management including their right for support to self administer medication
- State the “Rights” of medication administration
- Detail safety issues relating to routes of medication administration
- State why medication incidents must be reported