Minimising Restrictive Practices
The minimisation of restrictive practices and the rights of all people to live in a restraint-free environment are essential elements of care under the Aged Care Quality Standards. The misuse of chemical and physical restraint is a priority of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and has been identified as of specific concern by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
This topic explores the misuse of restrictive practices, the serious risk for harm and presents alternative and practical strategies to support people with actions and responses that pose a risk to their safety or the safety of others.
Restraint aligns to Standards 3 and 8 of the Aged Care Quality Standards. As a health care worker providing care or services to older people living in residential or home care you are required to practice in accordance with the requirements of the Aged Care Quality Standards.
This learning resource will have relevance in other health care settings providing care or services to older people.
This educational material is endorsed by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation.
Learning Outcomes
- Explain what is meant by a restraint free environment
- Define restraint
- State the legal, ethical and human rights issues regarding the use of restraint
- Describe the clinical issues relating to the use of restraint
- Understand your responsibilities in relation to the use of restraint
- List the physical and mental health injuries caused by restraint
- List the strategies that reduce or minimise the need for restraint
- Apply these strategies in your care and service delivery